GamingYour Definitive Guide To Final Fantasy XIV’s Grand Companies

Aria Lane7 months ago5324 min

We humans do often enjoy joining tribes, so it is no surprise that early on in Final Fantasy XIV, the MMO will require you to pick a team, or Grand Company as they are called. This can seem like a momentous occasion, given the long series of cutscenes that present these groups, and you may be wondering: What are they, and what do they do? This guide will explain all these things and more!

What are Grand Companies?

Grand Companies are FFXIV’s version of factions. Each of the three starting cities has its respective Company: There is Maelstrom in Limsa Lominsa, Twin Adder in Gridania, and the Immortal Flames in Ul’dah. They are first introduced during the main quest, “A Hero in the Making,” which will task you with visiting a remembrance ceremony in each of the three main hubs of the game. At these events, you will meet the leader of each company, as well as learn what the group stands for. Below is a brief overview of each:


Since it is based in the wet-edged Limsa Lominsa, Maelstrom effectively acts as its Navy. However, given the city state’s long history of piracy, it still has a somewhat swashbuckling attitude. Although there’s a little more structure, due to its leader Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn (not a typo), who outlawed the act.

The Order of the Twin Adder

Gridania’s Grand Company, The Order of the Twin Adder was created to guard this region. Fittingly, it has a vibe similar to the nature aesthetic found in this area, encouraged by their worship of Nophica, goddess of abundance. They are led by Kan-E-Senna.

The Immortal Flames

The Immortal flames are headquartered in Ul’dah, after Raubahn Aldynn founded the organization using his many gladiator winnings. As such, they are inspired by the popular industry of Ul’dah, and are known for their willingness for battle.

The Order of the Twin Snakes.

Screenshot: Square Enix / Kotaku

When Do I Choose a Grand Company?

After reporting to Minfilia to turn in “Hero in the Making,” you will see that the representatives from each Grand Company have a Main Quest Marker over their head. Whichever one you talk to will be the Company you end up joining, and they will then provide a unique version of the same quest “The Company You Keep.” Only one of these can be accepted per playthrough, but you shouldn’t feel like you are missing any critical content—while the quests do contain some slight variations, the broad strokes are the same.

As for picking your Grand Company itself, this may seem like an important decision, but it actually has little impact on gameplay. The best choice is the one that most resonated with you during its respective ceremony. If they were all forgettable, pick the one with an aesthetic or attitude you like.

The biggest influence the Grand Companies have in the game is determining the type of cosmetics and items you are able to receive. These usually have a similar style and color palette to the Company, so there is nothing wrong with using that as a deciding factor! Also don’t sweat it if you are second guessing your decision, as you can change it later on in the game once you become an officer in your initial choice.

If you are one of the few people who is heavily invested in FFXIV’s PVP, the Grand Company you pick has slightly more significance. There is a mode called Frontlines, which has you participate in a battle among the three Grand Companies over a segment of land. Due to this premise, you are only able to team up with other players in your company, so if you have friends who joined a different one and are interested in PVP, it is probably a good idea to join the same faction.

But What Do Companies Actually Do?

If you are someone who is playing FFXIV purely for the main storyline, Grand Companies can be mostly ignored once you complete the mission that has you join one. They are worth checking in with once you join, as an early quest they offer is how you can obtain a Chocobo, but outside of this, your selection is not really brought up after the initial mission. No matter which Company you join, the rewards and plot of the Main Story will be identical. GC’s do however play a large role in some of the side content of the game, including FATEs, Hunts, and PVP.

It's a shop. I have nothing more to offer. It's brown?

Screenshot: Square Enix / Kotaku

How To Gain Your Company’s Seals

Each Grand Company has their own currency called Seals. These can be obtained by performing different tasks, including those listed above. One of the most effective ways to farm this resource is to participate in FATEs, which are events that occur sporadically throughout the game world. You have probably inadvertently participated in one or two, as they are fairly common. They can be identified on the map by the large purple circle or monster icon, and usually task players in the area with defeating a specific number of creatures in that circle. They do require you to sync your level before you can join, so if you are interested, make sure to select that option on the right side of the screen.

Once you do, the words “FATE JOINED” will flash across the screen and you will see a progress bar for that specific FATE. After you complete it, you will obtain Seals! You can also gather Seals by turning in equipment, items, materials and other loot you obtain to your Grand Company.

Seals can be spent on different items from the Company shop, which can range from consumables to armor and anything in between, but they can also be redeemed to rank up in your Company. A higher rank increases the items available for purchase, so it is worth it to spend your initial Seals on this so you can get to the good stuff!

Maelstrom certainly has a color scheme. It's, er, grey, red and black. Erk.

Screenshot: Square Enix / Kotaku

With the exception of their initial quest, Grand Companies are purely an optional component of Final Fantasy XIV. Seals can be used to secure some cool rewards and perks if you take part in this component of the game, but given the wealth of content Final Fantasy XIV has to offer, it is likely you will find another aspect more enticing. The best advice is to treat it like a sports team. Rep your Company when given the chance, maybe catch a FATE if you stumble across one, but it is also completely understandable if you don’t engage with them in any way. Just like real sports.

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