GamingYes, GTA 6 is still on track for release in 2025, says Rockstar, as fans craving a second trailer debate whether to cling on to some wild moon theories

Aria Lane4 months ago598 min

You can chill out for now, as Take-Two’s latest earnings call has brought a statement that GTA 6 – this little game you might have heard of – is currently on track to make its previously announced release window of fall 2025.

Yep, while there’s still seemigly the possibility of a delay happening/being revealed further down the line if the game’s development ends up following the patterns of previous entries in the series, the plan for now is plain sailing to spooky season next year. It’s GTA 6, though, so naturally fan speculation about its status and the potential arrival of a second trailer is still very much running wild.

“Looking ahead, we expect Fiscal 2026 to be a milestone year,” Take-Two President Karl Slatoff said in the call, “as we plan to release several blockbuster titles, including Rockstar Games’ Grand Theft Auto VI in fall of 2025, Borderlands 4 and Mafia: The Old Country.”

CEO Strauss Zelnick, the exec at the publisher you’re most likely to have heard of, added some context to that in an interview with CNBC, saying in terms of the company’s confidence in the game making that window: “Well, there is slippage in the industry and we’re not immune from that. However, we narrowed the timing because we are highly confident in that timing.”

So, there you go. Sadly, there were some fans who’d decided to hype themselves into expecting more from yesterday, thinking that news of a second GTA 6 trailer – following up last year’s initial one that just a few people watched – might arrive around that November 6 call. It, er, didn’t. Which, to be fair, is always the risk of these kinds of hype trains.

It’s ok though, the superfans over on the GTA 6 subreddit aren’t out of dates to pencil in as the point when ‘the GTA 6 trailer two is dropping, for realsies bro, this isn’t just a random dart thrown at a wall’. The next one looks to be around November 17, since this is about the time the real-world moon will go through its next waxing gibbous phase. No, I’m not kidding, GTA fans think Rockstar’s been teasing when info about the game will drop via the moons it includes in some of its promo screens for GTA Online, and has been doing so for a little while.

One of the screens that came with the developer’s latest update post about GTA Online contained – you guessed it – a moon that folks reckon is a waning gibbous – so that’s what’s caused this latest groundswell in lunar lectures from folks who quite like Trevor Phillips.

I’ll be honest, I think it’s a bit too out there for me to put much stock in, but to be fair, mooning people is a very Rockstar thing to do, at least in the other sense of the the word. Are you a GTA 6 moon-truther? Let us know below!

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