GamingWhere To Find Nuka-Cola Dark In Fallout 76

Aria Lane7 months ago4811 min

As you explore Appalachia, you’ll discover various flavors of Nuka-Cola. Most of them are soda, with unique properties and flavors ranging from Orange to Quantim, which—on top of glowing with a brilliant blue hue—provides a nice boost to your Rads! But we’re here today searching for Nuka-Cola Dark, Nuka-Cola Corporation’s first alcoholic drink, with its pitch-black bottle and liquid. It’s probably not the most thirst-quenching Nuka-Cola in Appalachia, but it’s one of the most entertaining.

Here is where to find Nuka-Cola Dark in Fallout 76.

Where to get Nuka-Cola Dark

If you’re already a late-game player, you’ll likely acquire Nuka-Cola Dark via crafting, as it’s relatively inexpensive once you acquire the Recipe. But more on crafting Nuka-Cola Dark shortly. For now, let’s focus on where you can loot or buy a bottle. It’s enough to satisfy a daily or weekly challenge.

You can find Nuka-Cola Dark at The Whitespring Resort, sold by Bubbles—the robotic drinks vendor—on the main floor. She’s in a side room beside the Common Room. Alternatively, you can buy one from the drink vending machine at Nuka-World on Tour. Both rely on you having the Caps to spare, of course.

If you don’t have the cash to spend on a bottle of alcoholic pre-war Nuka-Cola, we completely understand—it’s tough out there. You can loot a bottle, though! You’ll find a few spawns at Eta Psi House on Fraternity Row or the bar at Showman’s Pier. These both routinely spawn, but you may need to swap servers if you come up empty at both.

How to craft Nuka-Cola Dark

First and foremost, if you wish to craft Nuka-Cola Dark, you must track down the Recipe. There’s a slim chance one drops upon finishing the Tipsy Taste-Test Daily at The Nukashine. It’s just over 6 percent.

Alternatively, you can buy a recipe from Leo Petrov, a former Nuka-Cola Corporation employee who clearly doesn’t respect any NDA he might have signed. He’ll join your C.A.M.P. as an ally after purchasing his Plan from Samuel, in Foundation, in exchange for Gold Bullion.

Once you have a Recipe: Nuka-Cola Dark, visit a Brewing Station and combine the following ingredients:

  • x3 Boiled Water
  • x2 Nuka-Cola
  • x3 Snaptail Reed
  • x5 Wood

Mmmmmmmm, delicious Nuka-Cola Dark.

Screenshot: Bethesda / Kotaku

Nuka-Cola Dark Stats

  • Perception -1
  • Strength +1
  • Endurance +1
  • Water: 15 percent
  • Alcohol Addiction (5 percent)
  • Weight: 1
  • Value 75 Caps

You likely won’t chug a bottle of Nuka-Cola Dark to satiate thirst or boost your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats significantly for a skill check. More often than not, this unique beverage is necessary to satisfy a daily or weekly challenge. And, you know, when it’s been a rough one.


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