SportThis Yankees Bobblehead Is Real, And It’s Spectacular

Aria Lane7 months ago515 min

The Yankees lost their 14th game out of the last 18 last night, losing to the Red Sox in 10 innings, 5-3, but somehow they still brought home a dub. One of the greatest MLB franchises ever just dropped a bobblehead honoring one of the greatest sitcoms ever, by honoring one of their greatest employees. Not Jeter. Not Gehrig. Not even George Herman Ruth, or George Steinbrenner, but rather a different George. Last night, they dropped a bobblehead in honor of their former assistant to the traveling secretary, George Costanza… and yada, yada, yada, it’s real, and it’s spectacular. It’s about time the Yankees partnered with Vandalay Industries. Seinfeld remains an iconic classic sitcom. And I know the older I get and the longer I hold on to this take, the more and more I sound like my parents honking Three’s Company or my grandparents attesting that The Andy Griffith Show is still the greatest sitcom of all time. But I feel like I still have a few more years to stand by this take before my millennial ass enters boomer territory. Seinfeld is on Netflix right now, so go start it. The first season or two might be a chore to get through, like most shows, but once it gets into a grove, it doesn’t look back for nine seasons – which is almost half as many seasons as it’s been since the Yankees won a World Series.

Look, it’s not often I’ll give the Evil Empire their props, but here I have to tip my cap like that little kid at Jeter’s last game. Here’s hoping Yankee Stadium went full Seinfeld and stocked the concession stands with pretzels that make people thirsty.

P.S. Larry David’s story of firing George Steinbrenner is an all-time story.

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