Jam Press
A man in Thailand’s living out a real-life horror show — imagine sitting down on a toilet and suddenly a vicious snake’s sinking its fangs into your nut sack! Yeah well, he doesn’t have to imagine it.
Thanat Tangtewanon shared his nightmarish story on social media, telling the world about his unbelievably terrifying story … posting video of him grabbing the python, with blood all over the floor — and we’re guessing it’s his, not the snake’s.
According to Thanat, his Sunday started off like any other, with the married dad waking up around 10 AM and heading into the bathroom.
Thanat said he first flushed the toilet to make sure there were no unwanted surprises — because monsoons often bring reptiles out of the depths — and then he popped a squat.
Suddenly, Thanat said, he felt a sharp pain in his testicles and realized something had sunk its teeth into his jewels.
He immediately spotted the culprit — the terrifying snake had its fangs still dug into his scrotum. He said he firmly grabbed the snake and tried to rip it out of the toilet — but it was too strong and stayed locked in place.
Freaking out, Thanat said he scanned the room and zeroed-in on a toilet brush, which he used to brutally beat the snake until it finally went limp and died.
Thanat then asked a neighbor to bring him to the hospital so he could get tested, and receive medical treatment. Now, he says he feels fine, and so do his testicles … now he’s nursing the snake bites on his groin.
As for the reptile, it was non-venomous … small comfort for Thanat’s mangled manhood.