GamingHow To Find Every Single Collectible In SCHiM

Aria Lane6 months ago4276 min

Level 11: Package

A screenshot from SCHiM.

Screenshot: Ewoud van der Werf, Nils Slijkerman, Kotaku

This is another collectible that’s hidden in plain sight. As you progress through the level, be sure to grab this white box off the stoop of your human’s apartment building (above, top center). It’s not porch-pirating if you’re grabbing it for your unwitting host.

Level 13: Anemometer

A screenshot from SCHiM.

Screenshot: Ewoud van der Werf, Nils Slijkerman, Kotaku

From the start of the level, jump from your garbage truck to the first bicyclist you see. When they stop at the crosswalk, jump into the shadow of the nearby cargo truck, then wait for a car to come by that’s going the other way. Hitch a ride on its shadow until you see a car parked by a big roadside sign. The anemometer is behind that sign (above).

Taking this collectible also reactivates the nearby windmill. If you touch its fan, you get slung across the street the way you came, into the shadow of the car behind the cargo truck, and can go on with the level as normal.

Level 14: Misplaced Package

A screenshot from SCHiM.

Screenshot: Ewoud van der Werf, Nils Slijkerman / Kotaku

At the beginning, ride a forklift inside the warehouse to reach the first of several conveyor belts. Use the spring to launch yourself onto the belt and ride the passing packages’ shadows. Just before the fork in the belt, hop off of it into the messy pile of crates. You can see the misplaced package from here (above, top right), but you can’t reach it yet.

A screenshot from SCHiM.

Screenshot: Ewoud van der Werf, Nils Slijkerman / Kotaku

From here, jump to the nearby shipping containers and use the spring next to them to launch yourself to the parked forklift. While you’re in the forklift’s shadow, hit the interact button to raise its forks, which also extends its shadow. Not only is this a useful trick to remember for the rest of the stage, but it gives you enough clearance to reach the misplaced package. You can use the nearby spring to return to the pile of crates and continue the level.

Level 14: Wrench

A screenshot from SCHiM.

Screenshot: Ewoud van der Werf, Nils Slijkerman / Kotaku

Continue through the level until you reach the shipping lane for crates. At its far end, you’ll find a worker who’s testing a robot arm. Instead of jumping into that worker’s shadow, go a little further, past the last hurdle, into the storage area.

A screenshot from SCHiM.

Screenshot: Ewoud van der Werf, Nils Slijkerman / Kotaku

At the end of the lane, jump into the shadow of the guy standing on the left. From here, you can jump from the nearby gangplank to the forklift to the shipping containers. The wrench is at the end of the lane behind the second container (above, lower left).

Level 14: Crate

A screenshot from SCHiM.

Screenshot: Ewoud van der Werf, Nils Slijkerman / Kotaku

Towards the end of the stage, you end up in a packed storage area, where you have to navigate between tall shelves by using passing workers or forklifts’ shadows as stepping stones. You ordinarily leave this area by jumping into a pipe and letting it take you to the end of the level (above).

A screenshot from SCHiM.

Screenshot: Ewoud van der Werf, Nils Slijkerman / Kotaku

If you jump against that pipe’s current for long enough, however, you can take it to reach to a very well-hidden area where you can find a stray crate that’s fallen off its shelf (above).

Level 16: Chair

A screenshot from SCHiM.

Screenshot: Ewoud van der Werf, Nils Slijkerman / Kotaku

At the end of the stage, before you jump into the dog’s shadow, backtrack slightly and visit the nearby restaurant’s outdoor seating. Both the schim and the chair are in the shadows against the side of the building. It’s an easy grab as long as you don’t leave before you’ve got it.

Level 17: Screwdriver

A screenshot from SCHiM.

Screenshot: Ewoud van der Werf, Nils Slijkerman / Kotaku

From your starting point, keep jumping from shadow to shadow along the nearby canal until you see this collectible next to a tree. The screwdriver (above, left of center) is the same color as the inexplicable highlights of this level’s color scheme, which can make it tricky to spot.

Level 18: Walking Cane

A screenshot from SCHiM.

Screenshot: Ewoud van der Werf, Nils Slijkerman / Kotaku

This stage is set on four separate “islands” in the city’s canal system. You begin on the first one. If you jump from tree to tree along the edge of the current island, you’ll spot the abandoned cane in the shadow of the park bench (above, right).

Level 18: School Bag

A screenshot from SCHiM.

Screenshot: Ewoud van der Werf, Nils Slijkerman / Kotaku

Ride a jogger’s shadow to the second island and get off at the playground. You may have to adjust the camera to see it, but the school bag is in plain view near the jungle gym.

Level 18: Trash Can

A screenshot from SCHiM.

Screenshot: Ewoud van der Werf, Nils Slijkerman / Kotaku

You’ll probably spot this on your own. The third collectible in level 18 is in the duck pond on the third island (above, bottom center). It’s an easy jump from the shore.

Level 18: Bike

A screenshot from SCHiM.

Screenshot: Ewoud van der Werf, Nils Slijkerman / Kotaku

If you grabbed the previous collectible, you’ll likely find this one by mistake while you’re trying to get back out of the duck pond. It’s only a few yards away from the trash can, in the same pond.

This is likely because the ducks stole your human’s bike back in level 5. Study it out, people.

Level 19: Plastic Trashcan

A screenshot from SCHiM.

Screenshot: Ewoud van der Werf, Nils Slijkerman, Kotaku

From your starting point, take a few hops right to the parking meter, then take a big jump over to the lamppost across the street. That’s the hard part; now you can grab the plastic trashcan that’s on its side nearby (above, center).

Level 19: Bucket

A screenshot from SCHiM.

Screenshot: Ewoud van der Werf, Nils Slijkerman, Kotaku

From the previous schim, progress through the level as normal until you see a lost schim circling in the shadow of a parked car. Use the shadows cast by the two guys next to that car to reach the schim, then pick up the bucket from underneath the nearby patio tables (above, off-center).

Level 19: Bicycle Pump

A screenshot from SCHiM.

Screenshot: Ewoud van der Werf, Nils Slijkerman, Kotaku

As you go through the level’s main path, you pass near a bridge with a lot of people on it. Cross that bridge to its far side, then orient the camera so the bridge points towards the upper-left corner of your screen, as above.

A screenshot from SCHiM.

Screenshot: Ewoud van der Werf, Nils Slijkerman, Kotaku

There’s a collectible in either direction here. If you turn right from here, you should spot the bicycle pump in the shadow of a tree at the end of the lane (above). It’s thin enough that it’s hard to see.

Level 19: Barrier

A screenshot from SCHiM.

Screenshot: Ewoud van der Werf, Nils Slijkerman, Kotaku

From the previous collectible, go back to the bridge and go the other way. There’s a line of traffic barriers here, and you can pick up the one in the middle that’s been knocked over.

Level 20: T-shirt

A screenshot from SCHiM.

Screenshot: Ewoud van der Werf, Nils Slijkerman, Kotaku

At the start of the level, jump into the shadow of the first passing car and let it take you all the way to the small bridge. Before you raise the guardrail, jump out into the nearby streetlight’s shadow, then to the parked van.

From the van, get to the other side of the nearby fence. It’s tricky, but there are enough small shadows back here to get to the laundry line in the distance, and from there, to circle around to the house’s back patio. The t-shirt is behind the nearby fence (above).

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