It wouldn’t be a Final Fantasy game without Chocobos, so it’s no surprise that the giant rideable birds show up in the franchise’s online entry, Final Fantasy XIV. The creatures first appear very early on in the MMO, but are only able to ferry you to specific locations on a pre-set route for a fee. Luckily, you can get their very own Chocobo, and this guide will tell you how!
Proceed Far Enough In the Main Quest to Join a Grand Company

As you progress through the Main Storyline of FFXIV, you will come across a quest titled “The Company You Keep.” During this mission, you will have to join one of three Grand Companies. Your options are Maelstrom in Limsa Lominsa, Twin Adder in Gridania, and Immortal Flames in Ul’Dah. Your choice will have no bearing, as they all lead to a quest that unlocks Chocobos, however they do affect the next Main Scenario Quest (MSQ) with Maelstrom members receiving “Till Sea Swallows All,” Twin Adder members picking up “Woods Will Be Done,” and Immortal Flames members obtaining “For Coin and Country.”
Once these quests are completed, you can talk to each faction’s representative to accept a new Feature Quest titled “My Little Chocobo.” This is the quest that will reward a Chocobo on completion.
How to Complete My Little Chocobo

There are some small differences in how you complete “My Little Chocobo” depending on which Company you joined. Each variation will require you to obtain a Chocobo Issuance, which can be purchased from your Company’s shop using “Seals.” Seals are a type of currency issued by your Grand Company for completing different in-game tasks that can be used to buy exclusive items such as the key item for this quest.
It should be mentioned that the Seals used are exclusive to that company, so you cannot use the currency from Twin Adder to buy items from the Immortal Flames. Each Company’s shop should be right next to the quest giver for “My Little Chocobo.” Once it is obtained, you will have to present it to that region’s Chocokeep to receive your mount. Below are the types of seals each Company uses, the type of Chocobo Issuance you will need, and who it should be presented to.
- Maelstrom Members will need 200 Storm Seals to buy a Storm Chocobo Issuance and present it to Fraegeim in Limsa Lominsa.
- Twin Adder Members will need 200 Serpent Seals to buy a Serpent Chocobo Issuance and present it to Cingur in Gridania.
- Immortal Flames Members will need 200 Flame Seals to buy a Flame Chocobo Issuance and present it Mimigun in Ul’Dah.

Once this is done, you will need to name their Chocobo and then speak to their respective Chocokeep (Fraegeim, Cingur or Mimigun) to turn in their quest, at which point you will unlock Mounts and be awarded a Chocobo Whistle.
How to Obtain Seals?
That may have explained how to complete the quest, but now you may be wondering, “How do I get seals for my Chocobo Issuance form?”. Remember that quest you completed earlier to unlock “My Little Chocobo”? It provided a reward of 300 seals from your respective Company, so you should have enough to pick up the Issuance and turn it in for a Chocobo! If you already spent it, the easiest way to grind for more is by participating in small combat events called FATEs, scattered around the world.
How Do I Summon My Chocobo?
You may have noticed that the reward for “My Little Chocobo” was not the bird itself, but a Chocobo Whistle. This is an item that needs to be used to actually register the mount to your character. To do so, navigate to your inventory and find the Chocobo Whistle. Select the “Use” Option. Now you will have a Chocobo ready to ride! Note that any mount you receive will be provided to you in this way, so if you are confused why a specific one you should have isn’t showing up in your Mount Options, check your inventory and make sure you used its corresponding item.

You can call your new mount by going to the “Character” tab of the menu, then navigating to “Mount Options.” This will bring up all your available mounts, which at this point is probably just a chocobo. Select the Chocobo Icon and select summon to bring it to the field. This action can also be set to your hotbar to summon instantly, and can be repeated for future mounts as well.

There is a lot of running around in Final Fantasy XIV, so you are sure to get a lot of mileage out of your new ride. Just remember to save the Seals you obtain from the MSQ until you are able to trade them for a Chocobo Issuance, or else you may have to grind some out to obtain your giant bird. Also don’t panic if you don’t see your Chocobo when you finish the mission. You probably just need to blow the whistle and then you’re off to the races!