It’s rare to see anyone in Appalachia running a melee-only build, though it’s an extremely viable playstyle that usefully cuts down on ammo usage in a barren wasteland. That said, it’s not for the faint of heart, as you must close the distance and play as an aggressive, in-your-face survivor, frantically spamming attacks. Still, the right weapon makes a difference.
In Skyline Valley, there are a handful of brand-new named legendary weapons, including a number of melee options. One such weapon is the V63 Shock Baton, a one-handed unique variant of the security baton, but with a custom model and legendary affixes. It’s powerful in the right hands!
Here’s how to get the V63 Shock Baton in Fallout 76!
Where to get the V63 Shock Baton
When you first discover Vault 63, it’s orderly, yet something’s off beneath the surface. Every one of the dwellers, all of whom are Ghouls, appears strange. But as you begin earning their trust, doing odd jobs for Oberlin to help clear up security concerns inside the Vault, you’ll find it’s because most of them are hiding secrets or avoiding responsibilities.
Your first quest for Oberlin, “Housekeeping For Hire,” tasks you with helping out three Ghouls: Margaret, Laurence, and Julio. They’ve all previously reported issues to Oberlin who doesn’t have the time to resolve them. You, however, do.
The three compadres will ask you to venture down into the lower level Vault 63 atrium, where you must slay their former Vault Dweller friend, Alfie, kill a handful of Radrats clogging up the storage room, and repair the noisy pipes in the reactor room. Each task is straightforward, especially with a shotgun or melee weapon.
Read More: How to Get Fallout 76’s Best Shotgun
Once you’re done, speak to Margaret and then return to Oberlin. For helping out the Vault, Oberlin will provide you with a handful of rewards, including the V63 Shock Baton, which does quite a bit of damage to Lost.
V63 Shock Baton stats

- Type: Melee
- Class: One-Handed
- Level: 5 / 15 / 25 / 35 / 45
- Damage: 15 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 50
- Speed: Medium
- AP Cost: 30
- Value: 85 Caps
- Weight: 2.0
Legendary Affixes
- Anti-Armor: Ignore 50 percent of the target’s armor rating.
- Crippling: +50 percent limb damage.
- Durability: Breaks down 50 percent slower.
While not the most difficult named legendary to acquire in Fallout 76, the V63 Shock Baton does serve a purpose in providing relatively new players a solid melee option. It’s lightweight and durable, which helps save on resources, and powerful when you aim for the arms or legs!