GamingDespite what you might have thought, it turns out that the PS5 Pro’s ridiculous price point has not had a “negative impact” on sales says Sony president

Aria Lane4 months ago467 min

You would have that the PS5 Pro’s astronomically high price point might have had an impact on sales, but as it turns out, that’s not the case.

When the PS5 Pro was revealed back in September, I was honestly a bit gobsmacked at how expensive the thing was – $700? Are you having a laugh? I knew I wasn’t going to get one anyway, especially because I just don’t care enough about graphics or framerates and other such nonsense to justify such an expenditure, but I still thought that might put enough people off of picking one up. There’s no concrete way to tell if more a huge amount more people would buy it if it was cheaper, but as shared by Genki_JPN on Twitter, Sony president Hiroki Totoki shared in a livestream following a recent investors call that the pricing hasn’t had a “negative impact” on the console’s sales.

“Hardcore users are the target of this hardware,” Totoki said in the livestream. “In terms of the pricing many people made different comments on that, but pricing on PS5 Pro has not had a negative impact I don’t think.” Of course, it’s still early days, as the console literally only just came out. Interestingly enough, it’s not actually that difficult to get one. In fact it’s so easy to get one that scalpers are reportedly having to sell units they picked up at a loss in some cases, which is quite nice because I always like to see scalpers making utter fools of themselves. Mostly the fact it’s in stock is interesting because the PS5 was infamously difficult to buy in its early years, but demand for the Pro was never going to be as high anyway.

Our Dom recently got their hands on a PS5 Pro, and has quite kindly shared a list of surprising things about the console, which you’ll probably find quite useful if you’re considering picking one up.

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