GamingDespite players racking up Baldur’s Gate 3 playthroughs upwards of 100 hours long, Larian’s CEO was worried the game was going to be too short from all the cut content

Aria Lane7 months ago546 min

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a big game that’s received plenty of free content post release, and yet the developer’s CEO was worried it would be too short.

Anyone that’s played Baldur’s Gate 3 can quickly tell you that it is a beefy game. I constantly see posts go viral of some obscure scene with players that have put hundreds of hours into the game saying they’ve never seen that in all their playtime. And a year on from its full release, Larian Studios continues to add to it, even if they aren’t always massive additions of content. Yet as big as the game was when it launched without all of these updates, prior to its release, Larian CEO and game director Swen Vincke was worried that the game would end up being too short.

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Speaking in a recent video interview with BAFTA, Vincke explained that there were plans to make the game even bigger than it already is, but it had to be cut down. “This is a really random tidbit, but Moonrise Towers used to be two towers. And now, we shipped with only one tower,” Vincke explained. “And for a long time, there was actually the ruins of the second tower, and then we removed that also. So there was only one tower, but originally we planned on having two towers. The reason we removed the extra tower was purely productionally. It was just, the game was getting too big and so we had to cut that out.”

Vincke did admit while laughing that Baldur’s Gate 3 ended up being “a very big game indeed,” but he did share that there were going to be even more locations that ended up being cut. “You would be surprised to know that we actually had many more regions that we planned to make. I was afraid the game was going to be too short originally, but I’ve notoriously always been very bad at judging the length of our games.”

Despite all of that planned content that never got made, it never will be made either, as the developer is moving on from the series on to something new, having recently held a summit to start figuring out what that looks like.

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