Consequence and Chuck D are fired up this post-election after the poll results didn’t go in their favor and firing at America with a lyrical blast about the treatment of its Black citizens!!!
In their new video “What Has America Done,” Black people are depicted with their backs up against the wall, as Cons questions their position in the country going into President Donald Trump‘s new term … “So what has America done for me? / Push the goal line further? / Accuse me of murder? / Fed me French fries and burgers?”
Chuck D tells TMZ Hip Hop the cyberbullying “bots” this election rival Jim Crow actions … “Avatars like they’re the new Klan hoodies — the more things change, the more they stay the SAME!!!”
The song, also featuring vocals from “The Wrldfms” Tony Williams, will appear on the upcoming deluxe edition of his recent album, “Nice Doing Business With You,” and Chuck illustrated the artwork himself … food and liquor stores rest on every corner in the hood!!!

Cons is also encouraging Kamala Harris voters to keep their heads up … “The results of the 2024 Presidential Election are a reflection of who and where we are as a Nation.”
He continues … “Like it or not, especially if you’re African American, we must continue to pursue our equality and make sure we do everything in our power to level the playing field as best we possibly can … In doing so, we can forget where we’ve been and what it took to get where we are.”