GamingBlack Ops 6? Here’s A Simple Break Down

Aria Lane4 months ago4121 min

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 has been an exciting entry for the franchise, likely bolstered by its same-day launch on Game Pass. It also helps that there’s a healthy mix of new offerings and the return of beloved mechanics. When talking about the latter, the reintroduction of the classic Prestige system certainly deserves a highlight. New fans and familiar ones alike might need a refresher though, since it’s been six years since Call of Duty worked like this.

Instead of functioning purely like an extension of leveling, this version of Prestige is a bit of a grind. You just need to sacrifice some progress for the exclusive rewards and bragging rights. For those who need a clear explanation of how it all works, or maybe need some help with the process due to a confusing UI issue, here’s what you need to know about the Prestige system.

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How do you Prestige?

A screenshot shows the Progression page in the Barracks menu, with the Prestige option highlighted.

Screenshot: Microsoft / Kotaku

Although you can always visit the menu to look at the rewards just out of reach, the option to Prestige only appears once you’ve earned enough experience to max out Player Level 55. That means you don’t need to just reach Level 55. You’ll need to keep playing until it’s full. It’s a tall task that can require plenty of playtime and the right multiplayer strategies.

Read More: Want To Get Started With Call Of Duty Multiplayer? Here’s How To Break Through

A pop-up message will appear after matches to inform you that the next Prestige is available. Accepting it at this point should take you through a set of confirmation screens. In the case that you don’t accept it after a match or run into a bug that prevents your progression journey, you might need to access it the manual way. Here are the steps to take:

  • From the Multiplayer or Zombies Main Menu, switch over to the Barracks screen.
  • Select Progression and then select Prestige.
  • While hovering over your next Prestige level, hold down the Prestige Details button (Y for Xbox and Triangle for PlayStation) until a circle fills up around the icon. You might need to hold the button down for upwards of five seconds, if not a little more.
  • Confirm your decision over three separate confirmation screens to finalize the process.

A lot of people have reported issues during the Prestige menu step, mainly due to how long the button needs to be held. I’d recommend holding it for five to ten seconds to ensure it’s working correctly. On the off chance that doesn’t seem to help, many have found success restarting the game and trying it again.

What Resets When You Prestige?

A screenshot shows a breakdown of how the Prestige system works.

Screenshot: Microsoft / Kotaku

Depending on how long you’ve been acquainted with the franchise, this system could seem utterly brutal or surprisingly lenient. The only things that get reset after a Prestige are your combat stats, player level, and all level unlocks. That might be a tough pill to swallow if you’ve grown fond of certain weapons or field upgrades.

Everything else is thankfully left untouched. Your weapon levels and builds will remain the same, even if you’re unable to access some for a while. All Operators, Mastery Badges, and Challenge progress will remain unlocked. Any seasonal content you acquire from the Store or a Battle Pass will be exempt too.

Is Prestige Worth It in Black Ops 6?

The choice of Prestige is entirely up to you. Most go through it for the cool icon as well as the exclusive challenges and rewards. That kind of stuff might not matter to everyone. It can be a big ask to essentially nerf yourself when you’ve been enjoying the high-level unlocks. On the other hand, starting over again can be a fun way to limit and challenge yourself.

If you’re still on the fence, I do want to highlight that there is something to make it more bearable. You’ll be granted a Permanent Unlock each time you Prestige. These can be used on any Weapon, Perk, or Scorestreak that you normally acquire while leveling up, providing unlimited access from that point on. This is a great way to keep a treasured gun, although it might be better to use it on your favorite high-level perk instead.

Going through with Prestige in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is a big commitment. The grind to level everything up and reach the end repeatedly is the biggest draw of the original implementation. Thankfully, this one seems pretty accommodating in comparison. Take the plunge if you dare to give yourself a classic challenge. We can also help you master the early-level XM4 assault rifle and C9 SMG to make things easier.


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