GamingSparking Zero’s Impact Action QTEs

Aria Lane4 hours ago58 min

Vegeta fires a Galick Gun into the colorful mess that is a Blast Impact.

Screenshot: Bandai Namco / Kotaku

Last, but certainly not least, is everyone’s favorite. Blast Impact occurs when both players shoot off a ranged Blast attack. This can be the typical giant beam, or a large energy ball. Ranged attacks such as Piccolo’s Hellzone Grenade and Great Ape Vegeta’s Chou Makouhou Barrage do not count, since they’re split up into multiple projectiles. As long as there’s enough space for the attacks to collide and not hit their targets, you’ll be treated to a cool cutscene of the projectiles smashing into each other.

Read More: Struggling With Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero’s Great Ape Vegeta? We’ve Got You

A gauge will appear in the middle of the screen and start charging up. Pressing the prompt next to it will convert the current amount into energy and reset the charge. If you don’t press anything before the gauge reaches the end, it will similarly start over from the beginning. Whoever converts the most energy will win the Blast Impact.

There are two methods to being top.

Method 1

The first is to simply mash the button as fast as you can. It’s honestly a great option if you’re a quick masher.

Method 2

The other method is to let it fill up as close to the maximum as possible, before pressing the button. You can also press the boost prompt to extend the length of the gauge, although this is pointless if you’re using the first method.

I’ll also point out that this minigame functions differently if you’re using Classic controls. Instead of pressing the button prompt to charge, you’ll need to quickly rotate the left or right sticks on your controller. It’s an awesome throwback to how these beam clashes were handled in previous Dragon Ball games, and I’ll never try it because controllers are expensive. But I respect the truly hardcore players who aren’t afraid and want to aim for maximum nostalgia.

Even if most don’t end with any major damage, Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero’s Impact Actions can allow for great follow-up combos. Mastering them is a great way to improve how you play, whether it’s online or during tough episode battles.


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