Gaming7 Things We Wish We Knew Before Playing Silent Hill 2

Aria Lane1 week ago65 min

Staring at a dead monster.

Screenshot: Konami / Kotaku

A job worth doing is worth doing right, and that goes for anything, from grocery shopping, to building a house, to beating down an abominable fleshbeast until you start seeing white meat. But how do you really know for sure you did that last bit right, especially in a place where things have a terrible habit of coming back to life? Well, there’s a few things.

For starters, when it comes to most enemies, you’re going to have a devil of a time getting them down to begin with. Although while every enemy has their particular quirks, virtually all of them are at death’s door if you’ve gotten them off their feet. But your job’s not done yet, heavens no. You should stroll right over and make sure that enemy’s a goner by hitting them while they’re down with a melee weapon (Right Trigger by default). You’ll actually know you’re safe when you stop hitting them with melee weapons, and start stomping instead. If you’re dealing with groups, that single stomp should be your signifier that you can move on to the next problem. It’s as simple as that!*

*—except for the ones who spit acid because when those guys are down, they vomit more acid and can kill you in seconds—please don’t try to stomp them, they suck.

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