GamingMetal Gear Delta: Snake Eater got a new trailer at Tokyo Game Show, and they made Ocelot strangely sexy

Aria Lane4 weeks ago165 min

There’s been a new Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater trailer shown off at the Tokyo Game Show, and it looks gear! Among all the updated visuals and peeks at the game, one thing stands out. Ocelot is featured, and he’s bizzarely sexy. It’s gotta be the cheekbones.

The trailer, which showcases key story moments from the game, gives us a peak of much of the early action of Snake Eater, including Snake’s drop into enemy territory and interactions with various key characters. We see The Boss, The Pain, and, of course, Ocelot with his trusty revolver. They all look good, but man, Ocelot is just brilliant. You can watch the trailer yourself below.

It’s a great trailer!Watch on YouTube

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater is Konami’s first venture back into the IP since Metal Gear Survive, which was, not great. But with a shiny remake of arguably the best game in the series, there’s a lot riding on this game to perform well. The company has re-released many older games on PC via new collections of the original games, but these are ports essentially (with quality of life changes). As a whole new game, this’ll be the real showcase of MGS’ lasting power without Hideo Kojima.

This trailer, while cool, is missing one key bit of info – a release date! The game is still coming at a mysterious point in the future for now. You can be sure that when it drops, all eyes will be on its performance, as well as how well it can recapture the magic of the original game.

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